Benefits of Playing a Musical Instrument


 In his article, 18 Benefits of Playing a Musical Instrument, Michael Matthews quoted Confucious: “Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without.”

So what do we know so far?

The following 18 benefits are sourced from  (

  1. It increases the capacity of your memory.
  1. It refines your time management and organizational skills.
  1. It boosts your team skills.
  1. It teaches you perseverance.
  1. It enhances your coordination.
  1. It betters your mathematical ability.


  1. It improves your reading and comprehension skills.


  1. It increases your responsibility.
  1. It exposes you to cultural history.
  1. It sharpens your concentration.
  1. It fosters your self-expression and relieves stress.
  1. It creates a sense of achievement.
  1. It promotes your social skills.
  1. It boosts your listening skills.
  1. It teaches you discipline.
  1. It elevates your performance skills and reduces stage fright.
  1. It enhances your respiratory system.
  1. It promotes happiness in your life and those around you.

As a psychologist passionate about unlocking people’s creative expression, I believe there is another crucial reason for playing a musical instrument.  One that expands on what Confucius identified at the start of this article, and that is:

  1. Music is Healing

In his quest to do for music what Apple did for the computer, Neil McLachlan, University of Melbourne’s Associate Professor at the Music, Mind and Wellbeing (MMW) Center maintains that “Music is to mental health what sport is to physical health”.

Can you think of other benefits? Let me know and I will add them to this list.